
This page contains a pair of editing tools I've written for Morrowind. They are provided in both the compiled and source form, both of which are unencumbered by any licenses.


The MWScheduler GUI

MWScheduler is a small tool that helps non-programmers easily create character scheduling scripts. It allows the user to specify time/action pairs and various global and per-action options, then generates a script that is ready to be pasted into the TESCS. As a side effect, it also provides a quick list of relevant functions and their parameters.


ESX File Parser

The ESX File Parser GUI

ESX File Parser, or ESParser, is an integrated set of little tools that I used while working on LGNPC. It includes functions such as safely importing/exporting dialogue resources in a number of formats, detecting conversation loops and common typos, enforcing the LGNPC writing style guide, building quote files and renaming topics with reference-correction.
